Terrific grazing dessert for gatherings. And because it stays fresh for weeks, it makes for a sensational food gift!!

Caramel Popcorn

I make caramel popcorn a LOT all throughout the year. I make it for:

gifting – just a pure act of kindness without any ulterior motives; bribing – when I’m trying to sway decisions / get in or stay in someone’s good graces. (This happens more than I care to admit 😂); and dessert for gatherings – it’s a brilliant grazing option for dessert so your family and friends don’t need to commit to a huge slice of chocolate cake because they’re stuffed full from dinner!

The reason it makes such a regular appearance around here is because it ticks a lot of boxes:

long shelf life – 100% crispy for 2 – 3 weeks; is low effort to make a fair volume (this makes about 11 – 12 cups); it’s gluten free (useful for gatherings / gifting); and everybody loves it – young and old!

This stuff is CRAZY addictive!! UPDATE: This year (2020) I’ve also made special Christmas version of Caramel Popcorn called Christmas Popcorn Candy, flavoured with classic warm festive spices and almonds!

Why this is THE Caramel Corn recipe

If you’ve ever made caramel popcorn and ended up with uneven globs of caramel on the popcorn which ends up stuck in your teeth – I feel your pain. I’ve been there and done that, and it was many years before I discovered the secret to perfect, crispy, evenly coated caramel corn: Baking soda is the secret to an even, thin coating of caramel on the popcorn. When it’s added to the caramel, it makes it foam up so it increases in volume and makes it easier to coat the popcorn more evenly. The baking part serves two purposes:

What you need for Caramel Popcorn

Here’s what you need. Not very much stuff!!

For those of you outside of the US and Canada who can’t get corn syrup, don’t fret. Glucose is a 100% perfect substitute. I make caramel popcorn quite regularly (food gifting!) so I stock up on corn syrup when I visit the States. But I always run out. So I had to find a substitute. And after making dozens and dozens of batches with glucose, I am happy to report that glucose is a perfect substitute for corn syrup! (If you’re wondering why you need corp syrup, its purpose is to ensure the caramel doesn’t crystallise ie instead of turning into liquid, you end up with sugar grains. Caramel is easy but can be temperamental. Corn syrup makes it a sure thing. 🙂 )

How to make Caramel Popcorn

Pop your popcorn kernels using your method of choice – stove or popcorn maker, if you have one (I do, but for some reason digging it out of the back of the cupboard seems like more effort than cooking the popcorn on the stove); Make caramel – simmer butter, sugar and corn syrup or glucose; Whisk in baking soda to make the caramel foam up! Toss popcorn with caramel – just do the best you can here, the caramel will harden as it cools. Don’t worry if it’s not evenly coated, we do this in the next step; Bake 45 minutes, tossing 3 – 4 times – this makes the caramel coat the popcorn evenly, then makes the caramel and popcorn crisp so it stays crispy for 2+ weeks!

Caramel warning: handle with care because that molten goodness is mighty hot! So don’t be tempted to stick your finger in for a taste test!

Full coverage vs lighter coating

The popcorn you see pictured in the photos and in the video has full caramel coverage. Meaning, the ratio of caramel to popcorn is such that it’s intended that every piece of popcorn is coated with caramel. Full coverage caramel popcorn is very sweet! It’s made with 1/3 cup kernels, 10 cups popcorn, and is literally like candy. If you eat it by the handful like Butter Popcorn, chances are you will regret it….unless you have a major sweet tooth (otherwise try my Light ‘n Salty Butter Popcorn)! I usually go full coverage when I’m gifting to people I don’t know that well (ie usually work related bribing😈) because it looks better. For my own personal purposes, for my family and friends, for gifting to people I know, I do a lighter coverage. Lighter coverage popcorn has visible white splotches because you don’t get full coverage. It’s made with 3/4 cup kernels and it is definitely still sweet and indulgent. No one has ever had my Lighter Coverage caramel popcorn and said “that’s not sweet enough”! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

More Popcorn recipes

Movie Popcorn – buttery, yellow and it stays crisp for days! Spicy Parmesan Party Popcorn

Originally published May 2014, updated September 2019 with new photos, new video and slight improvements to recipe!

Life of Dozer

Today’s selfie attempt…. I’m so grateful food doesn’t move!! 😂


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