Served alongside charred peppers and onion, this meal is a kaleidoscope of colours no one can resist!

Chicken Fajitas – healthy and seriously delish!

Whenever I see rainbow coloured capsicum on sale at the stores, I immediately think of Fajitas. I know, I know, full points for (un)originality. Though to be fair, when I see just redcapsicum on sale, my first thought is the not so well known Spanish Romesco Sauce. The magic chargrilled capsicum-almond sauce that I use as a dip / sauce / marinade that I am abnormally addicted to. So don’t crucify me for choosing the obvious when multi coloured capsicums are on sale!?

Fajita Chicken deserves a great marinade!

The secret ingredient in this marinade is orange juice. No, it doesn’t taste of oranges once cooked. When mixed with other savoury ingredients (lime, garlic, cumin, olive oil) then cooked, you end up with an incredibly flavourful chicken that’s savoury, fragrant and balanced with a hint of sweet. Fruit juice is used in a wide range of marinades, from Cuban Mojo marinades to Mexican Pork Carnitas, to Korean Marinades to Hawaiian. It injects with subtle flavour and also the sugar brines like salt so proteins retain juiciness when cooked. Did you know that? There’s your cooking trivia for the day! PS Don’t worry if you don’t have fresh or bottled OJ on hand. See recipe notes for alternatives.

Fajita Vegetables – a big hit of greens!

One of the reasons I enjoy Fajitas so much is that you get a good serve of veggies without even realising. To serve 4 people, I like to use 3 large capsicums (that’s bell peppers to some of you) and a large onion. This way, I can stuff the warm tortillas with tons of veggies, then top with a sensible serving of chicken. A slice of avocado, a quick drizzle of sour cream and you’ll be clutching an overstuffed tortilla of Fajita goodness, ready to be devoured. Go forth and fulfil your Fajita cravings!!! – Nagi x

Chicken Fajitas

Watch how to make it

Chicken Fajitas recipe video!

Chicken Fajitas

You can hear the wheels turning in his head as he assesses the distance between him, the Fajitas and the door, versus me behind the camera. Calculated risk assessment result: No go. Better chance of getting a treat for good behaviour.


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