Pizza base choices: RecipeTin classic pizza base, speedy no-yeast pizza base or store-bought.

Garlic cheese pizza

My love for garlic pizza runs deep, which is no surprise to anyone who knows me. It’s literally 100% cheese and carbs, without even an ounce of good-for-you greens. That pretty much sums me up.😂 Some days I really wish I was one of “those people” who genuinely craves fresh vegetables over cheese and carbs. It’s not that I hate vegetables, I don’t at all! It’s just……well, you know. Put a piping hot garlic cheese pizza in front of me, in all its magnificent melty cheesy glory, alongside the best salad in the world, and there’s just no question what I’m going for, every single time:


You can use any pizza base you want – homemade classic, this magic no-yeast pizza base or store bought. But for best results, grate your own cheese! Store bought pre-grated is packaged with anti-caking agents which prevents the cheese from melting nicely.

Garlic – Fresh, and only fresh! Garlic pasties jars and tubes have an unpleasant sourness to them due to the preservatives. There is no substitution for the real thing! Mozzarella cheese – For melting perfection and lovely brown golden spots on the surface. Also, mozzarella is not oily like other cheeses. Parmesan – This adds flavour, because parmesan is loaded with savoury flavour and is salty. Olive oil – Mixed with the garlic to spread on the pizza base. Salt – For seasoning. Only 1/8 teaspoon is required

Pizza dough options

As for the pizza base, choose what works for you! Here are my options:

How to make Garlic Cheese Pizza

My little secret tip is to infuse the oil with lovely garlic flavour by setting it aside for just 10 minutes. And use a garlic press for maximum release of flavour! Cut and devour immediately, while the cheese is at its melty, oozy perfection. Marvel at how similar it is to that great pizzeria you went to a few months ago with your friends, but feel smug that this homemade one cost you less than $6 to make and how you get to eat it in the comfort of your own home in trackies and ugg boots. Proof below. – Nagi x Note: If you are using my no-yeast pizza base, spray or brush the exposed edge with olive oil so it browns. You don’t need to do this for yeast-based pizza dough.

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

Proof of trackies and ugg boots as referred to above…. And no garlic pizza for Dozer!! Garlic is bad for dogs!

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