I used to work in corporate finance. Suits and heels and 15 hour days, jetting around the world on the job. I took a huge risk, throwing it all away to pursue my passion for food. The irony is, I work harder now than I did “in corporate”. But I’ve never been happier. Sharing food I love and helping people cook fabulous food for their family and friends is what I was meant to do. I really feel like I’ve found my calling in life. And it’s because of you, all of you, who read my recipes, anecdotes about my life, share your tips, stories about your life, help other readers with suggestions, send me lovely messages and ask questions about my recipes. It really brings me so much happiness. So thank you! OK, back to dinner!! I’m raising the “one pot wonders” bar with this creamy, dreamy risotto topped with crispy roast chicken….look how creamy the risotto is!! (AND how beautifully golden and crispy the chicken is….!)

I’m pretty excited to be sharing this with you! I wasn’t sure if it was something you would like, but the One Pot Greek Chicken with Lemon Rice is fast becoming one of the most popular recipes on my blog. So I figured you might like this too. 🙂 This recipe uses the same technique. Sear chicken first to render out the fat and partially cook it. Then add the rice ingredients, get it started on the stove and finish it in the oven with the chicken plonked on top of the rice. Cooking the rice with the chicken on top is like the rice has been cooking in triple strength chicken stock which means serious flavours. And you know how I’m all about big flavours. “Kapow” flavors, as my family describes it. Well actually, they spend more time mocking me for my lack of appreciation for subtle, delicate flavours. I really wish I knew how to do a hmph! emoticon with my tongue sticking out because it would have been perfect to insert right there. So mature, aren’t I?! 😉 There is one major difference between the One Pot Greek Chicken with Lemon Rice and this recipe. It’s the rice. The rice in the One Pot Greek Chicken with Lemon Rice is fluffy and fresh with the lemon flavours. The rice in this recipe is creamy because it’s a risotto.

YES it’s possible to make a great risotto in the oven! Until a couple of years ago, I was quite cynical. Many recipes call for the risotto to be baked for close to 1 hour which is just so wrong. You end up with a pot of sludge, the rice so soft and mushy that it’s really unappealing. But if you get the liquid to rice ratio right and make sure you don’t overcook it in the oven, it comes out fabulously! I won’t lie to you. You will not get the exact same result as you do from standing over the stove, stirring constantly for 25 minutes with homemade stock. That’s what it takes to make a perfect restaurant risotto, and I promise to share one very soon. (Along with my tip for how restaurants make risotto ahead….I was so amazed when I learnt how they do it!) This is a midweek version. A risotto that takes 5 minutes of prep, then just pop it into the oven. The rice comes out slightly softer than making it the proper way because it’s not being stirred constantly. But it is a very small compromise for the convenience. Also, I’ve been really exact with the liquid to rice ratio and baking time, to make sure you end up with a risotto that is creamy and rice that is tender, not mushy. 🙂 I’d love to know what you think if you give this a go! And any questions, just leave a comment below and I’ll reply promptly! – Nagi x


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