Everyone needs a healthy pizza crust recipe in their arsenal. No matter what diet you may be on, pizza is a must, am I right? And this paleo almond flour pizza crust is here to deliver. The frozen pizza I remember from my college days is a far cry from the homemade versions that I make now. This almond flour pizza crust recipe is gluten-free, naturally low in carbs, and believe it or not, it’s actually good for you. It’s also packed with protein from eggs and healthy fat from coconut oil and almonds, as well as vitamins and minerals. Classic keto fathead pizza (the reader favorite!) and cauliflower pizza crust are still my two best low carb crust recipes, but for those that want to reduce dairy or need a paleo-friendly option, this is the best of both worlds.

Ingredients & Substitutions

This section explains how to choose the best ingredients for healthier pizza crust, what each one does in the recipe, and substitution options. For measurements, see the recipe card below.

Wholesome Yum Almond Flour – The only flour I use for paleo pizza crust! It has a finer grind and a neutral flavor that works well in savory recipes. Cassava flour should be fine to substitute, though the carbs would be much higher. Coconut flour won’t work here, but you can make keto pizza with coconut flour instead if you like.Coconut Oil – Use refined coconut oil for a flavorless option, measured solid before gently melting. If you are not strictly dairy-free, you can use ghee or butter instead; I personally prefer these for flavor. I haven’t tried making it with other oils, like olive oil.Egg – Use whole, large eggs. I haven’t tried substituting this with a flax egg yet — let me know how it goes if you try it.Sea Salt – For basic seasoning in this healthy homemade pizza crust. You can also add your favorite dried herbs and spices (such as homemade Italian seasoning mix), if desired.

How To Make Paleo Pizza Crust

This section shows how to make almond flour pizza crust, with step-by-step photos and details about the technique, to help you visualize it. For full instructions, including amounts and temperatures, see the recipe card below. I have over a dozen combos between my keto pizza and cauliflower pizza posts — visit those to see, as the same toppings can be used on this crust as well. (If you’re making it because it’s a paleo pizza crust, just be sure to skip the cheese.)

Texture Variations

Paleo pizza crust with almond flour does have some texture differences compared to traditional versions. Use these tips to make it just the way you like. Alternatively, press the almond pizza crust down with your fingers to a uniform thickness. If you find the almond flour dough too sticky for rolling or pressing, you can refrigerate it for a while which will help remedy this problem. Keep the bottom layer of parchment for the baking step so that the crust won’t stick.

For Crispy Crust:

This crust naturally comes out pretty crisp, but these tips can help if that’s what you’re going for…

Roll it out thin. I like to make my almond flour pizza dough about a quarter-inch thick, which gets it pretty crispy. You can make it any thickness you like, but thicker crusts will take longer to cook through and you’ll detect more of the almond flour nutty flavor if you make it thicker.Watch closely. Once the crust starts to burn, it progresses quickly.

For Chewy Crust:

I love the simplicity of this paleo pizza recipe, but if you prefer a bit more chew, try adding:

Xanthan Gum – This wouldn’t be strict paleo, but 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum is the easiest addition for a chewy result.Gelatin Powder – Mix a tablespoon with a bit of water first, let it bloom, and then use a hand mixer or food processor to incorporate into the dough.Tapioca Flour – If you want a paleo pizza but don’t need it to be low carb, you can replace 1/4 to 1/2 of the almond flour with tapioca flour, which will yield a more chewy result.

Storage Instructions

Store: Cool the pre-baked crust completely, wrap tightly, and store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.Reheat: Heat in a 350 degree F oven until golden and any toppings used are warm.Freeze: Wrap cooled crust tightly and freeze.

What To Serve With Healthy Pizza Crust

In our house, we like serving our healthy pizza crust with a variety of toppings (plenty of sauce, fresh veggies, and maybe some pepperoni!) with some veggie-packed salads and healthy sides. Here are a few of our favorites.

Veggie salads – This crust pairs well with creamy cucumber salad, zucchini noodle salad, and cold roast vegetable salad.Leafy salads – For a more traditional pairing, try this crust with Italian marinated artichoke salad, chef salad, or spinach bacon salad.Sauteed vegetables – While crust bakes, cook up sauteed mushrooms, sauteed broccoli, or pan fried squash.

More Healthy Pizza Recipes

It’s easy to include your favorite pizza flavors into a healthy and satisfying meal! Try these delicious and healthy pizza ideas next time. Share your recipe picture by tagging @wholesomeyum and hashtag it #wholesomeyum on Instagram, or in our Facebook support group, too – I’d love to see it!