Red velvet is hugely popular in the US. I remember watching one of those reality shows about a popular cupcake shop in the US (I think it was in Georgetown in Washington) and the owners said that the most popular cupcake by a long shot was Red Velvet. Australia hasn’t quite caught on (yet!). Red Velvet is always a staple at cupcake shops, but they aren’t the most popular. When I offer to make cupcakes for birthday parties, no one ever asks for Red Velvet! But me – I was hooked from the moment I tried red velvet cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery the first time I visited in NYC. Totally worth lining up for (and I NEVER line up for food!).

I took these cookies to a family dinner last night and my brother, in all his foodie wisdom, was grilling me about what Red Velvet actually is and what’s so good about it. That’s a tough one to answer because it doesn’t actually taste that much like chocolate. The red colour has nothing to do with the flavour. It’s the total package. The visual appeal. The mild chocolatey flavour. And the crowning glory – the cream cheese frosting.

Seriously. Why did I have to explain all that? He should have just accepted my initial very concise response: “They’re just awesome!”  These ARE awesome. Pinky swear. 🙂 – Nagi

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